June 22, 2018

Warphole® Press Release Tournament

CHICAGO, Illinois

We are just weeks away from one of the biggest events of the summer! Everyone’s favorite game is moving out of backyards and onto the international stage. The 2018 World Championships of Cornhole 13 take place July 24-28 in Montgomery, Alabama. The competition will showcase all the top players, vying for nearly $70,000 in prize money.

Professional cornhole tournaments are growing in popularity as a spectator sport. Last year, a cornhole tournament featured on ESPN was watched by more than 300,000 people! That was more viewers than tuned into a MLB game airing at the same time.

So why is cornhole such big business? The American Cornhole Association says the game’s portability and age-friendliness is key to its popularity. According to a recent national study done by E2A Partners (Chicago), 1 in 5 households in America now owns a set of boards. 80 million adults play the game at least once every year, with the majority of them being men, 25-34 years old. More adults played a game of cornhole in the past year, than went camping, played a round golf or even bowled.

This growth in popularity has retailers taking notice. Consumers can buy boards in just about any color, with team logos, and in several different sizes. Most buyers make their purchase online, with the majority of boards sold through Amazon or Walmart.com.

This surge in cornhole is prompting companies to come up with more innovative and challenging ways to play the game. Warphole ® (warpholebag.com) is one company taking the game to the next level. Its patented boards create a more challenging game with it’s smooth, curved surface.

Understanding the magnitude and unique insights of the U.S. cornhole playing population is important for retailers, distributors and industry organizations alike. Connecting and engaging this passionate group will help grow business and serve as a platform for category influence and innovation. For more details about this study or for the team behind it, visit E2APartners.com.


E2A Partners Contact:
Art Angel
E2A Partners, president


Warphole® Contact:
Kim Angel
Warphole®, VP Marketing & Media


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